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How to get rid of a bat?

Did a bat manage to get into your house? Get rid of it as soon as possible! Bats carry diseases that are potentially fatal to humans, such as rabies and histoplasmosis. Rabies is transmitted by a bite that can easily go unnoticed because of the bats' very fine teeth. Histoplasmosis can be contracted by breathing in dust from bat droppings (guano).

Possible interventions to get rid of a bat

There are several methods that can be used to get a bat out of your home. However, the methods are different depending on whether it is a single bat or a colony that has successfully established itself.

If the bat is alone

The bat entered purely by accident, probably following a prey, or because a window or door was open. In this case, leave the doors and windows open and wait. The bat will eventually come out at nightfall when the room is dark enough. Since bats are nocturnal animals, they are only active at night.

If this method does not work, you will have to try to capture it. Be very careful to avoid bites. Take a net or a ventilated container and leather gloves and catch the bat. Handle everything with care, because bats are fragile creatures. You can then release it outside at nightfall.

If a bat colony has settled in your home

Getting rid of a colony can be much more complex and will require a combination of methods to carry out the extraction of the colony. It is easier to intervene in the spring or fall. The best way remains to make their habitat inhospitable, for example by lighting their colony. Once the colony is dislodged, be sure to block all possible entry points. For some bat species, an entry point of 6 mm in diameter may be sufficient. So be vigilant!

You ask yourself: "How do I know if I have bats at home?", see what our team has to say to you.

Have bats been in your house? We can help you get them out safely for you, your family and the animal. Contact us today.
