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Raccoons facts

Scientific name: Procyon lotor

Class: Carnivora

Familly Procyonidae

Order: Carnivora

Life span:
Average in the wild: 5 years
Maximum in the wild: 16 years
In captivity: 22 years

In season, wheat can be an important part of the diet. Also, this is not a surprise, raccoons frequently bins and do not hesitate to feed on an animal carcass.

Where does the name raccoon come from?

It owes its name to its habit, more or less real, of dipping its food in the water before eating it.

Why do not we see raccoons during the day?

The raccoon protects itself from predators by staying inactive during the day, well hidden in its den and only going out at night.

Is the raccoon a stuntman?

The raccoon can reach a speed of 24 km/h (15m/h) on the ground and is an excellent swimmer. He is a very agile climber, he is not afraid of falls, because he can withstand a tumble of fifteen meters without hurting himself. So yes, he is a very good stuntman!

Is the raccoon smart?

He can climb trees, open seashells, doors and even bin lids. He is a very smart animal who knows how to take advantage of the opportunities available to him.

Why do they always come back to my trash cans night after night?

Do not take it personally! The raccoon does not make great trips, only what it takes to feed and meet basic needs. It travels only 1 to 4 km per night. So if he visits you frequently, it's because he's your new neighbor!

What does the raccoon do in the winter?

The raccoon does not hibernate, but in winter it is less active, it takes the opportunity to sleep long hours. His metabolism and internal temperature remain constant, so he lives off his fat reserves and can lose up to 50% of his weight.
